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Free Technical Support

Free technical support for SPTK is provided by SPTK development team. Since team members are extremely busy, we can no guarantee fast response. Any reported bugs are considered. If core functionality is broken, then bugs are fixed ASAP. Bugs with less importance are included into development plans. We also provide e-mail consultations on SPTK usage.

Commercial Technical Support

Commercial technical support for SPTK is provided by Linotex Pty Ltd, Melbourne. This company is one of the SPTK sponsors. All the services are e-mail based. Only Linux, Windows, and Solaris are presently supported. The following support services are currently offered:

Support Service Service includes Price
Regular Support (Linux) Reported bugs are fixed within 72 hours since reported. Up to three incidents per month. Unlimited e-mail consultations on SPTK usage. $100 US/mon, or $800 US/year
Regular Support (Windows,Solaris) Reported bugs are fixed within 72 hours since reported. Up to three incidents per month. Unlimited e-mail consultations on SPTK usage. $120 US/mon, or $900 US/year
Premium Support (Linux) Reported bugs are fixed within 24 hours since reported. Up to five incidents per month. Unlimited e-mail consultations on SPTK usage. $200 US/mon, or $1600 US/year
Premium Support (Windows,Solaris) Reported bugs are fixed within 24 hours since reported. Up to five incidents per month. Unlimited e-mail consultations on SPTK usage. $240 US/mon, or $1800 US/year

If you need more information about SPTK support, or different support options, please contact this e-mail address: SPTK project coordinator.

Extra Widget Development

If you need a widget(s) currently missing in SPTK, our development team can create widget(s) for you. This is a subject for a separate contract. For more information on extra widget development, please contact SPTK project coordinator.

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